Cable TV is no longer the only game in town when it comes to televised content. CTV, or Connected TV, is a new way for businesses to create and deliver content directly to their audiences. Here are some of the benefits of why businesses should start their own CTV channel.

Increased Reach with Own CTV Channel

CTV/OTT offers businesses the potential to reach a much wider audience than traditional cable TV. CTV/OTT platforms are not limited by geographic boundaries like cable TV is. This means that businesses can target their advertising and marketing efforts to specific demographics and psychographics with laser precision.

Improved Engagement Levels

CTV/OTT also offers businesses the opportunity to create more engaging content than they could with traditional cable TV. With CTV/OTT, businesses can control every aspect of the viewer experience, from the channel design to the type of content that is delivered. This allows businesses to create a viewing experience that is tailored specifically to their target audience, which leads to higher levels of engagement and conversion.

increased ctv engagement

Reduced Costs

Finally, with your own CTV Channel, businesses have a more cost-effective way to reach their target audience. Compared to traditional cable TV, which requires businesses to purchase expensive ad time on popular networks, CTV/OTT platforms are relatively inexpensive to use. Additionally, there are no monthly fees associated with using a CTV/OTT platform like there are with cable TV providers. This makes CTV/OTT an extremely cost-effective option for businesses of all sizes.


CTV/OTT platforms offer businesses a number of advantages over traditional cable TV, including increased reach, improved engagement levels, and reduced costs. For these reasons, CTV/OTT should be considered as a viable option for any business that is looking to expand its reach and engage its target audience in new and innovative ways.


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