Have you ever watched a TikTok and thought to yourself, “Why didn’t I think of that?” We’ve all been there. But the good news is, it’s not too late to start making your own viral TikToks! Here are 5 super easy ideas to get you started.

1. Do a lip sync of a popular song

This is probably the most popular type of TikTok out there. People love seeing others lip sync to their favorite songs, so this is a great way to get some views and likes. Just pick a popular song and start mouthing the words into the camera. You can even add some hand gestures or facial expressions to really sell it.

2. Record yourself doing a funny dance

Dancing is another popular TikTok trend. But you don’t have to be a professional dancer to pull this off. Just choose a funny song and make up your own goofy dance moves. The sillier, the better!

3. Film yourself doing a silly challenge

There are all sorts of challenges going around on TikTok, from daring someone to do something crazy to simply trying to do something difficult. But you don’t have to take on something dangerous to get views—you can also just do something silly. For example, try eating an entire raw onion in 60 seconds or see how long you can balance an egg on your head. The weirder the challenge, the more likely people are to watch and share it.

4. Share a funny story from your life

People love hearing funny stories, so why not share one of yours? It doesn’t have to be anything major—just something that happened to you that made you laugh (or that you think would make other people laugh). Just remember to keep it under 60 seconds so people don’t get bored!

5. Do a duet with another user

TikTok has a great feature that allows you to do duets with other users. Basically, you film yourself doing half of the video and then someone else films themselves doing the second half. This is a great way to get views because it exposes your video to all of the other person’s followers. And who knows? Maybe they’ll even share your video on their own page!


There you have it—5 super easy ideas for making your own viral TikToks! So what are you waiting for? Get out there and start filming!


To Your Success,


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